CS44 W00: Lecture 2


  1. Assumptions in AI
  2. Problem Solving as Search
  3. Uninformed search

Problem Solving by Search

Problem formulation and solving

  1. Devise a representation scheme for states
  2. Describe an initial and a final state
  3. Describe operators
  4. Select which state to expand next
  5. Recognize the goal when generated
  1. Define state space, goal test, path cost, frontier of search
  2. Toy problems (8-puzzle, 8 queens, vacuum world, etc) vs real problems (Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), VLSI layout)

Search is a universal problem solving mechanism in AI. The sequence of steps required to solve a problem is not known a priori and it must be determined by a systematic exploration of alternatives.

Criteria for evaluating Search Strategies

  1. Completeness
  2. Optimality
  3. Time complexity
  4. Space complexity

Search Trees

General search methods: brute-force and informed. We focus on brute force today.
  1. breadth first search
  2. uniform cost search

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