CS44 W00: Lecture 12


  1. First Order Logic

First Order Logic (FOL)

  1. models the world in terms of objects, properties, relations, and functions
  2. User provides: constant symbols, predicate symbols, function symbols
  3. FOL provides: variable symbols, connectives, quantifiers
  4. quantifiers: universal (Ax), existential (Ex)
  5. term, atom, sentence, well-formed-formula
  6. english to FOL:
    1. Every gardener likes the sun: (Ax) gardener(x) => likes(x,Sun)
    2. You can fool some of the people all of the time: (Ex)(At) (person(x) ^ time(t)) => can-fool(x,t)
    3. You can fool all of the people some of the time: (Ax)(Et) (person(x) ^ time(t)) => can-fool(x,t)
  7. scope of quantifies
  8. extensions to FOL (Higher order logic, expressing uniqueness, Lambda operator, sorted logic)


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