Assignment #9

Due: Fr. Nov. 21th
Score: 5 points + 1 Bonus point

The programs must be sent to the TA as MATLAB-scripts.

Reducing Psychovisual Redundancy Using IGS-Quantization

Sounds great and is easily explained:

Write a matlab function 'IGSquantize(img)' that compresses an 8-bit greyscale image using the IGS-Quantization algorithm.
The task is to show the effekt of the quantization only, it is not necessary to really code the new image. However, if you volunteer to code the image (1 byte = 2 pixels) it makes only sense if you deliver the decoding function, too. My appreciation for that extra work is worth 1 bonus point.

You can use whatever picture you want to, but guess which is my favourite (no, no bonus point for that).

Have fun !