Assignment #7

Due: Fr. Oct.31st,
Score: 5 points

The programs must be sent to the TA as MATLAB-scripts.

Part 1: Boundary Tracing (4 points) The natural follow up to assignment 6:
Write a matlab FUNCTION that converts the boundary created by assignment 5 into a polygonal curve, defining each point of the boundary as a vertex of the polygon. Neighboring boundary points are subsequent vertices in the polygon.
How to:

We will discuss in class how to trace a boundary.

Part 2: Polygon Visualisation (1 point) Write a matlab FUNCTION 'showPolygon' (you will need this one frequently in follow up assignments) displaying the polygonal curve.
The function should take the following parameters:

function showPolygon(polygon, close)
% input: polygon: n x 2 matrix of vertex-coordinates
% optional parameter close:
% if set to 0, do NOT close (=connect last and first point) polygon
% else (incl. []): close polygon (=default)

An example output of this function could look like this:

Have fun !