Assignment #8: Random Quadtree

Let me throw you in cold water...

We did not talk about trees yet, but you will have to program a tree data structure, even a special one, a Quadtree. A Quadtree is a linked data structure of nodes, where every node is linked to max. 4 child-nodes, see the image below.



The top node is called the "root". As you see in the example, it has 4 nodes as children, which are again roots of smaller quadtrees. These, again, have max. 4 nodes as children, which are again roots of smaller children, which, again, have max. 4 nodes as children, which are again roots of smaller children and so on (do you feel some recursion here?).

Important for a tree (any tree) is, that there are no cycles, i.e. each node, except for the root, has exactly one parent, i.e. there is only a single node that contains a link to it; the root has no parent. Usually, trees are implemented such they only link downwards, i.e. each node contains references to the children, not to the parent.


Your task:

·       Create the a data structure that can represent a quadtree, i.e. create the classes QNode and QuadTree. The QNodes should contain a double value.

·       In class QuadTree, create a method "insertAtRandomPosition(double v)". This method should, from the root on, create a random position index (between 0 and 3) POS and insert a new node (containing the value v) at POS if the position is empty. If the position is not empty, it should go to the child at POS, create a random position, check and insert if possible etc.

·       In class QuadTree, write a recursive method "sum()", that sums up all values in this tree.

·       Test your structure with some code in a third class, class Main: instantiate a QuadTree qt, and fill it with values 1,2,3,4,...,100 using the insertAtRandomPosition() method. The call qt.sum(). You know it should return 5050 (that's the sum from 1...100 = 101*50 = 5050).



If that is not enough, write a method that visualizes the tree as seen in the figure above (recursion!), for 5 bonus points!


That's it, good luck!