CIS 2168: Lab-Assignment #4: Shape Abstraction


It's getting serious. We will combine data structures with graphics and a real application from computer vision.

Computer vision is the science of image analysis, or short: to teach the computer to understand (the beauty of) the visual world. A basic, yet complicated task is shape recognition. An object's shape can for example be represented by its 2D boundary. The computer's task is to recognize this boundary, and act accordingly (a deer: how cute!, a lion => run). The actual shape recognition is a bit too much for this semester, but we will program an important pre-processing step: shape abstraction.

Shape abstraction can be explained quite simply: given an object boundary of connected points, remove those points that don't carry a visual significance. You'll understand in a second. Let's first get a bit more into data-structures:

A 2-dimensional shape can be defined by its boundary-polygon, which is an ordered list of all coordinates of its outline points. See the following figure for an example:

The left picture shows the original shape (defined by its AREA), the middle picture the outline (BOUNDARY) of the shape. We want to create a LIST of all points of the outline. In order to do so, we start at some arbitrarily chosen point and traverse the outline clockwise. We store the coordinates of each point in a node, and therefore create an ordered list of x,y-pairs of coordinates of all boundary vertices, e.g.
x=12, y=14
x=13, y=14
x=13, y=15

Don't panic yet (you might want to save that emotional state for later, when I'll describe what you should implement). This list of points will be given to you as a textfile, so you don't have to program a boundary tracing algorithm.

Now take a look at the rightmost picture in the figure above. It shurely shows a very similar shape, it seems to be an abstracted version of the original boundary. In fact it is: the rightmost picture shows a certain subset of the original boundary vertices (points), connected by lines.
The remaining subset consists of boundary vertices containing visually significant information (in terms of human visual perception).

A very simple way to achieve this is an algorithm called Discrete Curve Evolution (latecki/lakaemper 1999, click HERE if you want to read the original paper): It keeps the important points, and dismisses unimportant ones. The importance is measured by the amount of visual information in the following way:

The figure above shows a cutout of the boundary, L,P and R a vertices, the lengths of the segments connecting these vertices are: LP = l1, PR = l2, RL = l3.
(Since someone from Greece long ago defined the length between two points as the 'Euclidean distance', it is given by sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2), as you might know.)
The line LR shown in the figure is not part of the boundary, but we need it's length for the significance measure:
Define the visual significance S of vertex P simply by S(P) = l1 + l2 - l3.
For better understanding, here are some properties of this significance measure S(P) of point P:

Defining this significance-value allows us to assign the significance to every single vertex of the boundary list.

Now comes the important part: the abstraction. Remember we want to create a subset of the original boundary, i.e. want to pick out certain 'important' vertices, dropping 'unimportant' ones.
A natural way to do this is the following:

  1. Assign the signifcance value S() to every vertex except the first and last one (they don't have 2 neighbors)
  2. set S for the first and last vertex to INFINITY (they'll never be removed)
  3. LOOPSTART: Find the vertex containing the minimum significance
  4. Drop the vertex by removing it from the list
  5. compute the new values S for the 2 points, that were the neighbors of the removed vertex
  6. loop (goto 'find the vertex...') until the list contains a predefined number of vertices

Some remarks:

And here's your assignment:
(if you want to panic, now is the correct time to start)

Please plan your work in this order!

Points for partial achievements:

·         reading the file & drawing the original deer: 4 points

·         implementing the double linked list with insertion and removal of points: 3 points

·         implementing the actual abstraction algorithm: 3 points


Earn 4 (!!!) bonus point for adding a slider to your application, showing each step of the simplification. Because a slider can go back and forth, you have to store the results of each single simplification step. You could use an Array of Lists for that.

This is a serious assignment. One week is a short time for it. Start immediately. Deadline: 2/19 (10 points). 2/26 (6 points).
