Bookchapters to read for the midterm

1. Software Engineering
1.1 Waterfall / Unified model
1.2 Data Abstraction
1.3 ADT, Interfaces

2. Correctness & Efficiency
2.1 Different types of errors
2.3 Try & catch, final
2.5 Testing Programs, Stubs & Drivers
2.8 Efficiency, Big-O (the formal definition is on page 113)

3. Inheritance
3.1 basics
3.2 Overriding, Overloading, Polymorphism
3.3 ABstract Classes & Interfaces

4. Lists
4.1 Array Lists
4.4 Single/Double linked lists
4.5 LinkedList class in JAVA, the Iterator
(4.6 Implemention)

5. Stacks
5.1 basics
5.2 Applications, postfix expressions, balancing parantheses
5.3 Implementing a Stack

7. Recursion
7.1 Basics, Recusrsion & Stack
7.2 Recusrsive definition of math functions

Appendix C: Events / GUI
c1: Events
c2: AWT & Swing
c3: Layouts
(GUI in general: see slides)