CIS 068 / 2: Lab-Assignment #5: Extension to The Magical Sketchpad

This assignment adds the possibility of saving/loading your art created with the sketchpad.
Please extend the program in a way, that it keeps track of the first 500 'drawing actions' after each time the image was erased, i.e. store the x,y coordinates of the output-circles in an array.

Add two buttons to the control-window:

Pressing the 'Save Image' button should save the data in a TextFile named 'MyMagicalArt.txt' or, if required, in multiple TextFiles 'MyMagicalArt_01.txt', 'MyMagicalArt_02.txt', ...(see remark below)
Pressing the 'LoadImage'button should load the data and restore the image in the output window.

Please respect the following problem:

For students who couldn't finish the assignment #4 but want to program assignment #5:

Write a program that randomly creates an image consisting of 500 circles. Show this image and add load/save - buttons in the same way as described above.
This program only will consist of one frame, showing a panel containing 500 random-distributed circles, along with 2 buttons for loading and saving the data.

Total of 5 points, no matter if you program the extension to assignment 4 or the extra program.
If you could finish assignment 4, please program the extension.
Programming both won't bring you additional points, please concentrate on one task !

A bonus point will be given for finishing assignment 4 and the extension and sending a data-file loadable by your program loading an image i consider as art :-). The chance of gaining a bonus-point is given only to the extension of assignment 4, because this one is slightly harder to program than the separate program.

Good Luck !