Title: Frequency Computation and Bounded Queries

Authors: Richard Beigel, William Gasarch, and Efim Kinber

Abstract: There have been several papers over the last ten years that consider the number of queries needed to compute a function as a measure of its complexity. The following function has been studied extensively in that light: FAa(x1, ... , xa) = A(x1)...A(xa). We are interested in the complexity (in terms of the number of queries) of approximating FAa. Let ba and let f be any function such that FAa(x1, ... , xa) and f(x1, ... , xa) agree on at least b bits. For a general set A we have matching upper and lower bounds on f that depend on coding theory. These are applied to get exact bounds for the case where A is semirecursive, A is superterse, and (assuming P ≠ NP) A = SAT. We obtain exact bounds when A is the halting problem using different methods.

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